WCNDT 2028

21st World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT) 2028, Buenos Aires

The 21st edition of the World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing will take place in Buenos Aires in the year 2028. This venue was chosen during the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing held in Munich, Germany, in June 2016. The conference is organized every four years by the ICNDT (The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing), a non-profit institution dedicated to the promotion and scientific and technological development of non-destructive testing methods. It is composed of 71 national and regional associations. The Argentine representative to the ICNDT is AAENDE.

The candidacy of our country was presented by AAENDE, who worked together with Messe Frankfurt Argentina - a leading event organization company - and the National Institute of Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR). With a meticulous and well-documented audiovisual production, highlighting the history and development of non-destructive testing in our region, it was possible to have Buenos Aires chosen over Miami, which was presented by ASNT (The American Society for Nondestructive Testing).

The hosting of the 21st World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing in our country will not only give a great boost to this important technological discipline, but will also contribute to positioning the city of Buenos Aires as a prominent venue for international events. These types of meetings bring together thousands of people from different parts of the world, offering a unique opportunity to establish connections with representatives of world-class research centers, leading industry companies, government organizations, professional associations, and universities.